Monday, September 12, 2011

So Much Sweetness

Hi everyone! I hope you all have been enjoying my blog thus far. I've been having a great time documenting all of the sweet things DC has to offer.

On a literal level, there are lots of sweets here in the District that have been super fun and delicious to enjoy.

On a figurative level, there are so many sweet opportunities here, and I'm trying to take advantage of as much as I can! Last week I started interning at the Department of Commerce, which has been going really well. Classes are in full swing, and I'm loving every one of them. This weekend Balance, the Ballet Group I'm involved with, hosted auditions for our annual Nutcracker performance (rehearsals start this week) and recruitment is coming up for ADPi.  I guess you could say I have a pretty full plate...but I find that I thrive off of being busy. Whenever I have limited free time I find I am the most efficient, which is working out really well right now.

That's why I haven't been able to blog over the past week! I'm going to try to stay more on top of everything from now on, so stay posted!

Here's a look at the sweets I discovered this past week:

Tuesday was a special day for everyone here in Foggy Bottom: Whole Foods opened on GW's campus! Incredibly fresh fruit, vegetables, bread, turkey, and cheeses now fill our kitchen. The store is absolutely wonderful: both the grocery and dine-in food options are outstanding and I'm thrilled to have a Whole Foods so close.

Thursday I finally learned how to make the perfect omelet. My mom and I love omelets, and we search the North Shore to find the best egg-white omelet. This week I finally succeeded at making the perfect, classic omelet, thanks to Jamie Oliver's tutorial:

My final product!
I always eat my eggs with ketchup (somewhat unusual), and for lunch I made the omelet with mesclun greens and a side of sliced turkey breast.

I'm looking forward to baking this week--hopefully Wednesday! Any suggestions? I'm waiting for some peaches to ripen so I can make Marina and my roommates the pie they've been waiting for!

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